I am at my wit's end trying to figure out how to cook A. frugally, B. healthy-low carb and semi-low-fat, C. frugally, D. so the fam will like it, E. did I mention frugally? I have been searching recipes trying to figure out how to shave our grocery bill some and most of the frugal recipes I run across have pasta, rice, or potatoes in them...the three main things I have been trying to avoid in my diet! Hubby is pretty much a meat and potatoes kind of guy, but he wants to eat healthier too. He isn't too into casseroles, but will tolerate them. The kiddos like it pretty simple too. They will both eat anything with rice or beans though, haha! Thankfully, everyone eats brown rice. But what I don't get...they do LESS to the rice, and charge MORE for it at the store???? What gives? Makes me think I should start picking up all the rice spilled alongside the roads around here come harvest time! (Just kidding...not willing to fight the blackbirds for it yet!)
So, had a frustrating and semi-victorious day with the 3yr old. I am embarrassed to admit it, but my 3.5yr old STILL isn't potty-trained. She is so stubborn! (Remind me this will be a good trait some day???) She went on the floor twice today, one time 5 feet from the potty!!! She got mad at me for not giving her a pull-up to pee in, so she takes off her pajamas to pee on the floor in the very same room with the potty! ARGH!!! But on the victorious note...she went 6+ hours bink-less today!!!! (Yep, still on the bink too!) I learned she talks a heck-of-a-lot more without it! She is my little motor mouth!!! By 3:00 part of me was thinking, "where is that pacifier again?" "Hey MOM, wanna know what a good idea is? I think I should be a butterfly for Halloween! Lets go look on the 'puter and find one!......Hey Mama, did you know what this Wonderpets is about? Its about a platypus, they like the water, did you know that, Mom? They look kinda weird......Hey Mom, when did you say we could go blow bubbles?...Are we goin' to Aunt Linda's now?....Did you say we could go to Wal-Mart tomorrow and get me a cookie shirt like Isaac's?...Is that what you said?...I really want a cookie shirt.................."
I made some sugarfree glazed carrots last night and Isaac, who is uber-picky and hates veggies, ate over 2 servings of them!!!! Here is the recipe:
Isaac's Sugarfree Glazed Carrots
Carrots, peeled and cut into "coins" (I think I used 4, maybe 5?)
butter (to taste, I used about a tablespoon)
Da Vinci Sugarfree Syrup (I used caramel), also to taste
Dash each of nutmeg, cloves, and cinnamon
Cover your carrots with water and cook until nearly tender (could steam in the m/w too) and drain. Add in your butter and give it a stir, then add a splash of sf syrup. I probably used 1/4 a cup. Allow to simmer in the syrup until carrots are tender and syrup has reduced a little.
I know it if kind of a general recipe. I am terrible about not measuring when I am making something up! I will try to pay closer attention the next time I experiment in case it is worthy of sharing!
I have been thinking a lot about what a blessing my 2 knuckleheads are. Even with a unpotty-trained 3yr old and an almost 18m old still very much attached to his bottle, I am so blessed. Last night Isaac wound up in our bed about 1:00am and I snuggled up next to him and enjoyed my nightly prayers holding my "baby" who is getting way too big way too fast. I am reminded to savor each moment, even the insane ones, and I look forward to the next blessing the Lord has for our family when He sends it!
Ok, now that I have rambled way too much, back to my grocery list!!!! Be blessed, friends!
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When you figure out how to do all of that with your grocery budget, you let me know, k??? For potatoes, I substitute sweet potatoes or if its mashed potatoes I want, I substitute califlower.
ReplyDeleteYay on the paci-free time!